023 Joseph: Training Time


God had big plans for Joseph, but Joseph wasn’t ready for them yet. He had to go through a time of training first.

After being betrayed and sold into slavery, he was falsely accused and thrown into prison.

But this prison proved to be the place where God developed Joseph’s character. See, not only was God with Joseph, God wanted to do something in Joseph so He could do something through Joseph.

As with Joseph, so with us. God does some of His most formational work in our prison-like situations. So, if you want to make this hard time training time, here are three lessons to learn from Joseph:

  • When you are given an opportunity, take it.

  • When you see a hurt, address it.

  • When you need to demonstrate courage, show it.


Text: Genesis 39-40

Originally recorded March 4, 2012, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.