022 Joseph: God With Us


Loss is part of life.  Sometimes the loss is natural and even predictable. But there are other losses that are totally unexpected and utterly devastating.

The Bible gives us multiple examples of individuals who experienced unimaginable loss only to discover that not only was God bigger than their loss, He was with them in their loss.  

One of the best of these, is the story of Joseph.

At the age of 17, he was betrayed by his very own brothers and sold into slavery.  He ends up far from home in the land of Egypt with nothing but the clothes on his back.  He doesn’t know the language.  He has no friends.  He would appear to be all alone.  

But Genesis 39 makes one thing clear. The Lord was with Joseph.

Just as the Lord was with Joseph, He is with you in your darkest moments. In fact, there is nowhere you can go that God is not there. What we must do is develop a fresh awareness of God’s presence.

How do you do that? First of all, cling to the character of God. Secondly, pour out your pain in prayer. And finally, lean on God’s people.



Text: Genesis 39

Originally recorded February 19, 2012, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.