018 Afterlife: You're Dead. Now What?


We begin at the end. You’re dead. Now what?

There are several popular beliefs about what happens when you die, such as reincarnation, universalism, annihilationism, purgatory, and soul sleep. But the Bible teaches that three things will happen when you die:

1.     Your spirit will depart from your body.

2.     You will immediately know your eternal destiny. 

3.     And you will follow one of two paths.

Jesus gives us a unique glimpse into the afterlife in his parable of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16. The diagram linked below explains a biblical perspective of what happens to us in the afterlife.


Afterlife diagram


Text: Luke 16:19-26

Originally recorded April 12, 2015, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.