019 Afterlife: Is Hell for Real?


The Bible has a lot to say about hell. In fact, Jesus talked more about hell than he did heaven. He described hell as a place of physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual suffering.

Which begs the question: how could a loving God send anyone to such a horrible place?

Ultimately, God doesn’t “send” anyone to hell.  A person chooses it.

Love cannot be forced and when a person says, “God, I don’t want to be with you. I don’t want to submit to you. In fact, I don’t even think you exist. I want total independence and complete freedom.”  God, in effect, says, “If you truly don’t want to be with me, your wish will be granted. You will go to a place where I will never bother you again.”

God has no desire that anyone should perish. He wants all people to be saved.  He did everything He could to warn mankind and to show how much He loves us. He sent people to tell us. He wrote us a letter, so we’d know. He’s sent blessings to show how much we matter. And He sent His one and only Son to die for us, so we could spend eternity with Him.

If you’d like more information about how you can begin a relationship with Christ, contact us at info@davedeselmministries.org.

Text: Luke 16: 19-28

Originally recorded April 19, 2015, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.