017 Easter: The King Has One More Move


This is a story of resurrection. But not the story you were expecting. It’s actually a prelude to that story. It’s the story of Jesus and His good friend, Lazarus.

Jesus proclaims these amazing words: “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.” Then He asks this question. “Do you believe this?” 

That’s a question we all must answer. Do YOU believe this?

The story is told of a chess master and his friend who were in an art museum when they came upon a painting of a divine chess match. A satanic figure has his human opponent cornered. The title of the piece is “Checkmate.”

Intrigued, the chess master began to study the painting. Something about it bothered him. Eventually, the man smiled and said, “The title of this painting is wrong. The king has one more move.”

Maybe there's something in your life that feels like that. Checkmate. Game over. It’s hopeless. You’re defeated. 

But the empty tomb reminds us…the King has one more move!



Text: John 11

Originally Recorded April 16, 2006, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.