Waity-y Matters


“But they soon forgot what He had done and did not wait for His plan to unfold.”

Psalm 106:13

Gwen and I have both been working our way through Psalms as part of our daily devotions. It’s proven to be quite interesting to share our “takeaway” for each chapter. 
Most of the time different verses have jumped out to us. It’s as if the Lord had a unique word for her and a unique word for me.
That was not the case with Psalm 106. That chapter is a lengthy recounting of the various times in the history of the people of God that they gave in to complaining, grumbling, and even rebelling – all this despite the Lord’s consistent faithfulness.
The portion of the psalm that stood out to both of us, however, was vs. 13. “But they soon forgot what He had done and did not wait for His plan to unfold.”

It’s Hard to Wait

That is so common to humankind, isn’t it?  We want God to work on our timetable, to act when and how WE want Him to.  We foolishly think we know best and get angry when OUR plans don’t get realized.
Worse yet, after having grumbled and complained, in our frustration and impatience, we take matters into our own hands and force the issue.  Like the Israelites who made a golden calf when Moses took too long to come off of the mountain, we seek out “another god” who will give us what we want.
That ALWAYS proves to be deadly and costly. My guess is that, just like me, you can recount the number of foolish decisions you made because you didn’t want to wait for God’s plan to unfold.
The fact is, God promises that His plans are being fulfilled and that they are good. Many of us have found Jeremiah 29:11 to be a solid reminder of that. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

How We Wait

So, here’s the challenge. While those plans have yet to unfold, will you remain loyal…patient…waiting in hope…trusting that His plan – not only for you but for this world – is good?
Gwen and I are seeking to live that way – not only as it relates to all the global and national issues – but for our personal and professional issues such as our family and ministry.
My prayer is that you will do so also. Waiting can be hard.  But it’s so much better to wait for God’s timing than to strike out on your own and create a mess or a miscarriage of what might have been.
Look above your circumstances to the One who is above them all. Seek His face. And know that His plans will unfold in perfect timing.



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