End of an Era


Trust in the Lord at all times, O people.  Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.

Psalm 62:8

I sold my bass boat last week.  The trigger was an increasing sense of unsteadiness on my feet when standing on that bobbing front deck.  My concern of falling in overshadowed my commitment to fishing.

It was the end of an era for me.  I’d been blessed to have not one, but two boats in the past 22 years.  Not any longer.  The “barn” is empty, and I’ve been experiencing a deep sense of loss, even grief in the past days.

Gwen and I were processing this the other day and we noted that, in the past four years, there have been other major heartrending “endings.”

  • A cancer diagnosis and resulting surgery meant the ending of some physical capacity.

  • The untimely deaths of two of my best friends meant the ending of those special relationships.

  • The hand-off of Fellowship after serving there for 35 years meant the ending of my leadership there.

  • And now, the sale of my bass boat which meant the ending of my freedom to fish whenever I wanted.


Pour Out Your Hearts 

In reflecting on this, I can tell you that in every one of those cases, the loss was deep, and the grief was profound because, to varying degrees, life as I’d known it was no more.

Yet, with 20/20 hindsight I’ve come to see that God was with me in each situation, offering His presence and peace.  Moreover, He welcomed my lament. 

Psalm 62:8 has proved to be a special verse for such times – “Trust in the Lord at all times, O people.  Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.”

Note that phrase, “pour out your heart.”  It’s an invitation to give full vent to your pain, loss, and grief.  God seems to be saying in effect, “I can handle the messiest of prayers.  Go ahead and be honest with your feelings.”

This is so comforting to me because I know full well that many more endings await.  Each one will be painful and yet God is ready, willing, and able to hear my lament and offer His healing presence.

I’m not the only one who has to come to grips with endings.  You do as well.

All of us will face seasons of loss.  And sometimes that loss will be catastrophic.  I know for a fact that some of you who are reading this know exactly what I’m talking about.

To you and to all the rest, I encourage you to take Psalm 62:8 to heart. “Trust in the Lord at all times, O people.  Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.”

And remember this.  The time will soon come when all that loss will be swallowed up in a glorious moment of gain in restoration and reunion. I, for one, can’t wait!

Written July 27, 2020


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