The Bait in the Trap

Racoon close-up.


When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

James 1:13-15


One of the joys Gwen and I share is the fact that we get to live “in the woods.”  Our home is surrounded by acres upon acres of foliage – trees, bushes, and underbrush. 

It’s an environment that provides a dazzling visual display through the various seasons.  It’s an environment that attracts birds of all type.  And it’s an environment that’s “home” to all sorts of mammals: deer, squirrels, rabbits, opossums, foxes, chipmunks, and raccoons.   

The thing is this becomes a problem when these creatures leave “their” space and invade “our” space.  That’s when they cease being cute critters and become pesky varmints.

Recently the chipmunks and raccoons have wreaked havoc with their tunneling and digging.  Our landscaping has been ravaged, so I’ve declared war.

I purchased a couple of traps and have caught nearly 20 chipmunks and over a dozen raccoons in the past couple of years.  Now, before you accuse me of animal cruelty, you need to know that these are “live” traps.  I take the perpetrator a few miles away and release it in another area.

As I was dealing with yet another captive just the other day, I got to thinking about the bait in my traps.  The chipmunks are suckers for peanut butter and peanuts.  The raccoons can’t resist peanut butter and marshmallows.

They are so enticed that they enter the trap, step on the trigger plate, and find themselves taken prisoner. But, by then, it’s too late.


Our bait. Our traps.

I thought about that as it relates to the temptations we face.  In our blind desire, we enter a trap, step on the trigger plate, and find ourselves in a place from which there is no escape.  And this time, there is no gracious offer of release.  Indeed, it can end up deadly.

This is what the Apostle James warns of.  “…Each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed…”  That is to say, your temptation may not be my temptation, but we all have our points of weakness – pride, ambition, greed, lust, etc.


“Each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed…”  Your temptation may not be my temptation, but we all have our points of weakness.


The Evil One knows just what bait to use! He’s smart enough to tempt us at our weak spot.  And just about the time we find victory over one area, he probes until another chink in our spiritual armor surfaces.


The Evil One knows just what bait to use! He’s smart enough to tempt us at our weak spot. 


James continues, “…Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”  You’ve seen it and so have I.

The death of a reputation.  The death of a marriage.  The death of a career.

I’m sure that I’m not alone in longing for the time when our Enemy will be forever removed and our tendency to fall prey to temptation will be permanently erased.  What a day that will be!

But, until then, we would be wise to remember that he is alive and active.  To quote Peter, “…the Devil is on the prowl, seeking someone to devour” (I Peter 5:8)

So let’s be vigilant. Traps abound and the bait is oh, so attractive. Claim the power of Christ to resist that temptation. Because if you step on that trigger plate, you may find yourself dealing with consequences from which there is no escape.  

If you doubt that, well, I know some chipmunks and raccoons that would dare to challenge that thinking.


Lord, give me a fresh reminder that in this world there are forces which would seek to destroy me.  They place traps of various kinds around where I live. And the bait is, oh, so alluring.  May I beware what I could easily get myself into…and find that there is no way out.



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