Alive and Well

Asian Christians in worship with hands raised.


”…I will build my church; and all the powers of hell shall not prevail against it.” 

Matthew 16:18


In May 1897, the great American humorist Samuel Clemens – best known by his pen name, Mark Twain – was in London on an around-the-world speaking tour he’d embarked on in 1895. While there, someone started a rumor that he had died. In fact, one major American newspaper actually printed his obituary.

When Twain was told about this by a reporter, he quipped: “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” 

Down through the years, that quote has been offered on thousands of other occasions when false information has wrongly taken root. 

Nowhere is such false information more widespread than as regards the Church of Jesus Christ.  If the “God is dead” movement dominated the 1960’s, fifty years later it’s “the Church is dead.”

 Yet, while it is true that there are challenges that need to be honestly faced, especially in the U.S. – issues of reaching the younger generation and challenges of nominal discipleship – the fact is Jesus’ “bride” is alive and well.  His words, “I will build my Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it” have never been seen as more true.


Alive and well around the world

 In his book Witness Essentials, Dan Meyer lists some encouraging statistics about the growth of the church around the world: 

  • At the end of the 19th century, the southern portion of Africa was only 3% Christian. Today, 63% of the population is Christian and membership in the churches in Africa is increasing by 34,000 people per day.

  • In 1900 Korea had no Protestant church. Today, there are over 7,000 churches in just the city of Seoul, South Korea.

  • In India, 14 million of the 140 million members of the "untouchable" caste have become Christians.

  • More people in the Islamic world have come to Christ in the last 25 years than in the entire history of Christian missions.

  • In Indonesia, the percentage of Christians is now so high (around 15 percent) that the Muslim government will no longer print statistics.

  • In China, it is estimated that there are now more self-avowed disciples of Jesus than members of the Communist party. Even the most conservative estimates suggest that China will soon have more Christians than any country.

  • At 2.4 billion, Christianity is easily the world’s largest and fastest growing religion.

  • Across the planet, followers of Jesus are increasing by more than eighty thousand per day.

In reading those statistics my heart soars.  You and I are part of the greatest revolutionary movement of all time!  Moreover, we’re part of something that will go on and on and on throughout all eternity.  And those of us who have been a part of it will not only celebrate that, but we will be celebrated by Jesus Himself.


Alive and well in and through us

That being the case, what does that mean for us here and now?  Let me offer these thoughts.

1.   The Church that will be gathered for all eternity should be gathered now.  Make most of every Sunday opportunity to worship, learn, fellowship, and serve.

The Church that will be gathered for all eternity should be gathered now.  Make most of every Sunday opportunity to worship, learn, fellowship, and serve.


2.   The Church has always been opposed by the anti-kingdom.  So, fight for it.  Fight for unity.  Fight for purity.  Fight for victory.

The Church has always been opposed by the anti-kingdom.  So, fight for it.  Fight for unity.  Fight for purity.  Fight for victory. 

3.   The Church should be growing here as it is around the world.  Determine that you will take your place as one who shows and shares the Good News.

The Church should be growing here as it is around the world.  Determine that you will take your place as one who shows and shares the Good News.

The reports of the death of the church are, indeed, greatly exaggerated.  Jesus’ dream is alive and well.  Let’s rejoice in that and recommit ourselves to revealing its life.



Lord, I thrill to see Your promise that the Church will prevail and ultimately triumph being fulfilled in so many places.  I so long to see it fulfilled in my setting as well.  Help me to look, seek, and work toward that end.  Then may I join in with the celebration that will last for all eternity.



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