The Practice of Prayer


When the disciples came to Jesus and said, “Lord, teach us to pray,” we can assume that they had been watching and listening to their Master’s regular habit of praying.

In observing that, they saw the unique and loving relationship Jesus had with His Heavenly Father.  They saw the peace that was realized and the power that was released when He prayed... and they wanted to learn His secret. 
So, in response to their request, Jesus said…

This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.

Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.”

Matthew 6:9-13


The Pattern

I noted in my previous post that there are six aspects to the Lord’s Prayer: 

  1.  Father's Character (v.9) – Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name.

    Jesus begins His prayer by reflecting on both who God is as well as our relationship with Him. He is wonderfully intimate (Papa) and totally other (Lord). 

  2. Father's Kingdom (v. 10) Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven

    Jesus is inviting us to ask for “up there” to come “down here.” For Kingdom reality to be increasingly manifest.

  3. Father's Provision (v.11) Give us this day our daily bread

    We all have needs - physical, emotional, relational, spiritual. So, we acknowledge that He has the means to meet those needs and ask boldly for that provision.

  4. Father's Forgiveness (v. 12) Forgive us our trespasses and we forgive those who trespass against us

    Here we ask forgiveness for our missteps and forgive others for their missteps.

  5. Father's Guidance (v.13a) Lead us not into temptation

    To pray this part of the prayer to say in effect, “As I follow the path you have laid out for me, may I not be tempted to stray from it.  As I step out into the world to do Your kingdom work, help me to be in the world but not of it."  

  6. Father's Deliverance (v. 13b) But deliver us from evil

    We have a very real enemy who wants to steal, kill, and destroy. Here we pray for God’s protection and deliverance from the schemes of the evil one. 

The Practice

So, how might we go about using this prayer beyond mindless recitation or dry repetition? Here are three suggestions:

  • Slowly move through the prayer phrase by phrase using each as a prompt for further prayer.

 For example…

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Father, I come to You as Your cherished child. How grateful I am that You love me freely and unconditionally. You are also sovereign Lord of the universe…
“Let Your rule and way increasingly come in my life and in the world around me. May Your glory be seen more and more…
“Please provide for all of my needs today – spiritual, physical, and financial…”
Get the idea? As you make your way through the rest of the prayer, consider which aspect seems to uniquely get your attention.
Here's another example, as you pray for His Kingdom to come, a situation may come to mind where the Kingdom may need to be realized: in a person’s physical healing, or in a couple’s marital crisis. Take that as a “prompt” and expand upon it.
Or perhaps as you get to the phrase regarding provision, you remember that stack of bills that need to be paid, or how a friend needs a job. Pause to specifically address that need.
I think it will surprise you how each day one of these phrases will jump out to you. Then spend a few moments lingering there and talking to God about it.

  • Pray all six phrases over a particular issue that is heavy on your heart.

For example, if it’s regarding a sick friend, you can pray something like this:
“I pray that my friend would rest in the fact today that you are his Father and that he is a cherished son. Remind him that you see him and hear him and want to bless him. As well, may he see you as Lord over all and that His situation is not beyond You.
“May Your Kingdom come and may Your will be done in his body, mind, and spirit. Bring Your power to bear.
“In his many points of needs be his provision. Provide him with encouragement and hope.
“Forgive my friend as he forgives others, knowing that harboring bitterness in our spirits can impact our bodies.
“Let him not be tempted to turn from You in his time of need. And protect him from the principalities and powers that would want to cause him harm.”
As you bring all of these phrases to bear upon a particular point of need, you will find that your intercession goes well beyond simply, “Be with my friend.”

  •  Take one phrase per day and focus on it.

For example, on Monday ponder the idea that God is your loving Father. What does that imply? How then should you live? Call Him by His various names and praise Him for what they tell you about Him. 

On Tuesday consider the Kingdom. Where does it need to be manifest? Who does it need to impact?
On Wednesday, linger on the idea of provision. Where is that needed? What points of need are there that need to be met?
On Thursday, take an inventory of your relational world. First of all, your vertical relationship with the Father. Are you walking in obedience or are you getting a little loose in the turns?  And then your horizontal human relationships. Is there anyone you have broken down with and need to forgive?
Get the idea? Continue on in the prayer regarding temptation on Friday and as it relates to protection on Saturday.
Hopefully, these suggestions will allow you to really lean into Jesus’ prayer. And, as you do, I think you will find fresh energy and encouragement.

I'd love to hear how you are using the Lord's Prayer in the days and weeks ahead. Add a comment below.


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