A Word From Immanuel

Wrapped Christmas gift in the manger.

One of the most beloved names given to Jesus in the Scriptures is Immanuel – God with us. But more than a theological truth regarding the incarnation, or pretty words to sing at Christmas, Immanuel – God with us - is a reality you and I can experience every day.

Immanuel – God with us – is a reality you and I can experience every day.

Lately, I’ve been trying to lean into that truth more and more. Seeking to slow down, connect to God, and listen for what He may want to say to me. 

Specifically, I’ve been asking Him about this blog post. In trying to decide what to write about, I didn’t feel like I could offer “ideas for online Christmas services” or “steps for maximizing your year-end giving.” Besides, I’m not sure that’s what pastors really need right now anyway.

Then something began to stir in me.

What if “Immanuel – God with us” – might have a word for those of us who are trying to lead well and yet feel exhausted, overwhelmed, or discouraged?

In pondering this, a series of phrases came to mind:

I see you… I hear you… I understand… I am with you… I can help you…

And I wondered, could this be a word from Immanuel to you this Christmas? If He were to complete each phrase, what might He say?

I’m not claiming that this is “Thus sayeth the Lord…” but perhaps something here may resonate with you and reflect His heart for you.


I see you…

I see the heavy load you are carrying. I see the weariness in your eyes, the tension in your shoulders. I see your sleepless nights and anxious thoughts.

I see you trying so hard. You want to lead well, but you feel so inadequate.

I see your heart. Your desire to love others. Your desire to serve Me.


I hear you…

I hear your complaint, your lament, your frustration.

I hear your concerns, your questions, your doubts.

I hear the criticism you are receiving. It feels like no matter what you do, you can’t win.

I hear the lies you are tempted to believe. The old wounds that get triggered in these stressful days.

I hear you wondering if you should give up.


I understand…

I understand how overwhelmed you feel.

I understand how disappointed you are. Disappointed in the circumstances, but also disappointed in people.

I understand the weight of leadership. There has been so much change, so many decisions. I understand that it can feel like you’re all alone in it.

I understand how much it hurts when people leave. When they fail you. How painful it is to be criticized, attacked, and accused.

I understand that this is big for you, but remember this: it’s not too big for Me.


I’m glad to be with you…

I love you and I take joy in your company.

I view your weakness tenderly. There is no condemnation. Only compassion.

Even when you’re at your worst, I am not ashamed to call you brother…sister. 

I am with you every step of the way and I will never leave you or forsake you.


I can do something about what you are going through…

My power is limitless. My wisdom beyond fathoming. All my heavenly resources are yours because you are mine.

I will be your helper, your defender, your protector.

I will be your strength in this.

I will be your guide through this.

I will give you joy in spite of this.

And I will give you hope in the midst of this.


So, what do you think? Does this “sound” like something Immanuel might want to say to you? 

Take a moment and reread it. Does anything especially strike a responsive chord in your soul? 

If you were to take each phrase and personalize it, what do you sense Immanuel might say to you?

I would love to hear if any of this resonated with you. If you’re willing to share what Immanuel is saying to you, I know it would encourage me, and I’m sure it would encourage others as well. Who knows, it may be just the word they need to hear.  



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