189 James: The Wise and the Otherwise

It’s one thing to have knowledge, it’s something else to possess wisdom.

Knowledge is the accumulation of information.
Wisdom is the application of insight.

Knowledge provides you with the facts of life.
Wisdom gives you the ability to live.

Knowledge is measured by degrees acquired.
Wisdom is measured by deeds accomplished.

James begins verse thirteen by asking the question, “Who is wise and understanding among you?” Our natural response is, “I am!” But James says, in effect, “Not so fast.”

“Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.” (vs. 13)

Mark it well. The qualifications for being wise have nothing to do with your I.Q. or even your Bible knowledge.  Wisdom is a function of a good life lived with humility.  Grace then truth.

James refers to two kinds of wisdom: that which is from above and that which is from below.

So how can you tell the difference?  In verse 14 the apostle describes Unholy Wisdom as that which is characterized by two things: 

  • Bitter Envy

Perhaps a more accurate translation would be “prickly zeal.” James is speaking about an enthusiasm that’s gotten out of hand. Where you’re right and everyone who disagrees with you is wrong.

  • Selfish Ambition

 The Greek here has to do with having a “party spirit.”  Not like a birthday party but a political party.  The idea is that if you’re not of my party... if you’re not doing it my way... then we can’t be real partners.

When a prickly zeal or a party spirit is seen, when sides are taken and shots are fired at others, the wisdom being touted isn’t God’s wisdom at all. Such unholy wisdom may claim to be from God, but its source is...well...otherwise.  (vs. 15-16)

In contrast to this, vs.17 describes godly or Holy Wisdom as:

  • Pure: free from contamination or defilement

  •  Peaceable: the desire to get along and work together with others

  •  Considerate: being reasonable

  •  Submissive: willing to yield

  •  Full of mercy: going the extra mile; not demanding its own way

  •  Impartial: doesn’t favor some at the expense of others

  •  Sincere: No deception, manipulation, or maneuvering

So, are you wise or otherwise?  


Text: James 3:13-18 

Originally recorded on April 18, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN