183 James: Hearers and Doers, pt. 1

This message is about divorce. Not the kind that separates husbands and wives. Rather, it’s the divorce between hearing the Word of God and doing it. Between believing and behaving. Putting our faith into practice is at the heart of the Book of James.

In 1:19, James says, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” Though this is great relational advice, the context makes it clear that James is talking about how we relate to the Word of God. Verse 21 has the key phrase: “humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.”

James is telling us to be quick to listen to the Word, slow to speak against the Word and slow to anger at the Word. It’s all about the Word.

Tragically, all too many Christians are spiritually malnourished, failing to feed themselves on the “pure milk of the Word” (1 Pet. 2:2). The Word of God is given to us not only for our “health” but also for our success and training (Josh. 1:8; 2 Tim. 3:16-17).

If we are going to “accept the Word…which can save you,” there are four necessities.

1.     You need an open ear. “…be quick to listen.”

People are much more interested in talking to God than listening to Him. But taking the time to listen to what God has to say is the only way any of us can walk in the way of Jesus and know the blessed life that He promised.

2.     You need a controlled tongue. “be…slow to speak.”

Isaiah 45:9 says, “Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker.”

Do you ever argue with God? We read His Word but we don’t like what we hear. Our reply is… “yeah, but…!” 

  • “Love your enemies” – Yeah, but you don’t know what they did to me.

  • “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse” – Yeah, but these are hard times.

  • “Refrain from sexual impurity” – Yeah, but we love each other!

Don’t look for ways the Word can’t apply to you. Look for ways you can put it into practice… even if you don’t like it. That’s why…

3.     You need a submissive spirit. “be…slow to become angry.”

A submissive spirit receives correction and accepts rebuke.

4.     You need a clean heart. “get rid of all moral filth...”

Continuing that which is filthy or evil can actually hinder your reception of God’s Word as surely as if your ears were blocked by wax. 


Text: James 1:19-22  

Originally recorded on February 28, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN