180 James: From Trials to Triumph

The book of James was written to followers of Jesus who had been “scattered” by the threat of persecution. They were facing tough times and James knew that unless he helped these young believers gain a different perspective on their trials and tribulations, they might very well compromise their commitment if not bail out altogether. 

That’s why he begins his letter with this striking statement: “Consider it pure joy…whenever you face trials of many kinds.” (vs. 2) 

From these words, we learn some… 



1.     They are inevitable.

James doesn’t say “Consider it pure joy…IF you face trials.”  He says “WHEN you face trials.” The Bible is very clear that trials are simply part of life – and believers aren’t exempt.

These inevitable trials come in “many kinds.” We can expect our lives to be spattered with trials of all shapes and sizes.

2.     They are purposeful.

Trials are in reality “gifts” – severe gifts to be sure – but still gifts that God gives for our good.  Moreover, these gifts are custom-designed with our unique developmental needs in mind.  

How then do we move from trials to triumph?



1.     Keep a joyful attitude.

The word “count” in vs. 2 was a financial term and meant “to evaluate properly.” James is calling us to maintain an attitude of joy by evaluating our trials accurately.

2.     Have an understanding mind.

Why can we count it all joy when we face trials? “Because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” (vs. 3)

More than mere patience, perseverance is an inner quality of strength to press onward and upward no matter what the challenge.

3.     Maintain a submissive will.

I like The Message paraphrase of verse 4: “So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely.  Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.”

That’s what it means to have a submissive will. To persevere so that the trial can do its job...so the refining the Master had planned can happen.


Text: James 1:2-4 

Originally recorded on January 24, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN