160 Revelation: Hope Unveiled

Are we living in the last days?

Technically, we’ve been living in the last days for 2000 years, ever since the Day of Pentecost with the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy that “in the last days” God would pour out His Spirit on all people. (Acts 2:14-18)

The real question we want answered is: Are we in the last days of the last days?

Truth is…we just don’t know. It’s like a soccer match where you aren’t even shown the clock. We have no idea how much time is left. The best we can do is say, “It’s got to be close.” 

This study of the book of Revelation is going to zero in on the last part of the last days.

There are 2 Wrong Responses people have toward the book of Revelation:

1.     Obsession. We get so preoccupied with charts and timelines that we get diverted from the heart of discipleship and lose our evangelistic credibility.

2.     Avoidance.  Many Christians have decided that the book of Revelation is too hard to even attempt to understand. 

So, why study it?

Here are 3 Right Reasons:

1.     Because it’s in the Bible.  There is practical truth here for our equipping and we’ll end up more mature as a church for having studied Revelation.

2.     Because it provides a source of hope for tomorrow. You can summarize the book of Revelation in two words: “WE WIN!”  John wants us to know that whatever may come our way, in the end, we win!

3.     Because it contains the promise of blessing for today. Revelation is the only book in the Bible that carries a promise of blessing for those who read it and take it to heart.

The word “revelation” literally means “to unveil.” This book is nothing less than the unveiling of the magnificence of the Lord Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  It is hope unveiled.  


Text: Acts 2:14-18; Revelation 1:1-8; Acts 1:6-8

Originally recorded on January 9, 2000, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.