139 Seven Churches of Revelation: Ephesus - The Forgetful Church

The Lord begins His message for this flagship church by affirming them for three things.


The Lord Commends:

  • Deeds

This was an energetic, hard-working Church. Forty years earlier, the Apostle Paul planted this church and discipled them for three years. As a result, the Ephesians were solid in their spiritual disciplines. They worked hard to spread the gospel throughout Asia Minor. In fact, all the other churches of Revelation owed their beginnings to the church at Ephesus.


  • Perseverance

Under the pressure of persecution, the Ephesian church stood strong. They didn’t compromise.


  • Discernment

This church had been taught well doctrinally.  They were able to discern truth from error.  When false teachers tried to worm their way in, claiming apostolic authority, the Elders in the Ephesian church sniffed out the deception.

But then come these chilling words: “Yet I hold this against you…” (vs. 4)


The Lord Condemns:

  • “You have left your first love.”

Relationships always tend toward disconnectedness. This is true not only of horizontal relationships but also of our relationship with God. Without real effort and specific plans, our once passionate relationship with Christ can…and will…be lost. It becomes more about duty and discipline and less about love and delight.

So, what does Jesus tell them to do about that?


The Lord Commands:

  • Remember

How do you regain a love that has been lost?  One way is to reflect on how your relationship with Jesus began and what it was like then.

Ask yourself, when did that change? Why did it change? Did something or someone else captivate your heart?


  • Repent

Repentance is a change of mind born of a deep sense of regret. Recognize the damage done, ask for the Lord’s forgiveness, and commit to doing things differently.


  • Take Action

Don’t wait for the feelings to return before you act. Warm feelings typically flow out of solid action. Do the things that help you connect in loving, joyful ways with the Lord. Prioritize them.

If you don’t, the Lord says basically, it’ll be “lights out.” Your deeds become lifeless. Your devotion becomes legalistic. Your discernment becomes angry. 

Yet, for the one who listens, who heeds Jesus’ warning, He promises a taste of heaven.



Text: Revelation 2:1-7

Originally recorded on April 21, 2013, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.



We are grateful to Ada Bible Church and Pastor Jeff Manion for generously sharing their teaching resources for this series.