086 Ephesians: New Beginnings

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians has been called “The Queen of the Epistles.” It brilliantly blends some of the loftiest theology in Scripture with some of the most practical application. As we begin our study together, allow me to introduce this masterful letter.

1.     The Writer of the Letter: the Apostle Paul

As was the custom in that day, the writer of this letter identifies himself right off the bat. “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus…” 

Once called Saul, this highly educated and zealous Pharisee passionately hated the way of Jesus and was grimly determined to destroy this movement. But one day he had a miraculous and dramatic encounter with Jesus Himself, and his life turned completely around. Instead of persecuting the Church, he became a leader of the Church. Instead of seeking to wipe out gospel, he sought to expand the gospel, traveling throughout the Roman world to make disciples.

On one of those journeys, he stopped in the city of Ephesus, a thriving Roman metropolis. This letter we have preserved in Scripture wasn’t written out of a crisis or to correct wrong beliefs or behaviors. This letter was written to remind these beloved brothers and sisters who they were in Christ and how this identity gets played out in everyday life.


2.     The Recipients of the Letter: everyday saints 

The believers in Ephesus were everyday people who were learning to follow Jesus every day. They were a diverse family of believers: religious and irreligious, young and old, male and female, slaves and masters. Yet they were united as the family of God and awed the world by their love for one another.


3.     The Structure of the Letter: 

The letter can be divided into two parts.  

Chapters 1-3                Chapters 4-6

• Doctrinal                  • Practical

• Belief                        • Behavior

• Relationship             • Responsibility

• Covenant                  • Kingdom                                           



Text: Ephesians 1:1-3

Originally recorded January 3, 2016 at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.