064 Abraham: The Judgment


Sodom and its sister city, Gomorrah, controlled a lush, fertile valley through which the Jordan River ran.  These two population centers were the economic hub for everything at the south end of the valley. 

The magnetic appeal of that – the culture and the wealth – was why Abraham’s nephew, Lot, chose that region when given the opportunity.  He not only moved into the city, he moved up in the city.

The thing is the beauty of the city’s architecture and art notwithstanding, its immorality had become notorious. The outcry against them had reached heaven, and God said, “Enough.” He sent two angels to rescue Lot and his family from the coming judgment. 

When the angels (in human form) arrived in Sodom, Lot invited them to stay with him. He knew all too well what happened to strangers who slept on the streets. But that evening, the men of Sodom, young and old, came pounding on Lot’s door. “Bring the men out to us so we can have sex with them.” 

Lot tried to bargain with them, offering an unbelievable trade. Before the mob could turn violent, the angels struck the crowd with temporary blindness, then turned to Lot and said, “Pack up your family and leave. Now. And don’t look back.” 

As Lot and his family fled the city, God rained down sulfur and fire from heaven and utterly destroyed the cities and the region around them. But Lot’s wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt.

What are we to take from this?

1.     God’s character has not changed – neither have His standards.

 Sin is still sin, no matter what a more “enlightened” and “broadminded” society might proclaim.  And ultimately Jesus, the One to whom the Father has given judgment, will act.

2.     Human depravity has not improved – even though it is denied. 

There are those who think humanity is getting better and better – that our enlightenment is ever-advancing.  Yet the fact is, the human heart is still dark.  All one has to do is read the headlines – not only in what’s happening in the world at large but in our own city – to see just how depraved humanity is.


3.     The coming judgment is certain – yet there is a way of escape. 

God is holding back judgment, not because He is blind to what’s going on…or because He is hesitant to pull the trigger.  He’s waiting so that as many as possible can “get out of Sodom.”

So, here’s the question:  Have you?  

There is a way of escape.  It’s found in Jesus.  

We often refer to the idea of repenting of your sin and placing your faith in Christ as “being saved.”  But seldom do we explain what that means.  Being saved from what?  It means being saved from God’s judgment. 

While your sinful behavior may not be as reprehensible as that of the people of Sodom, it’s no less heinous in the eyes of a holy God.  Indeed, as Isaiah put it, “All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags…”

Our only hope is for someone to cleanse us of our sin and cover our filthy rags.  And that’s what Jesus did.   He is the way of escape.  He will escort you to safety. 

If you would like to know more about being saved and having a relationship with Jesus, email us at info@davedeselmministries.org.


Text: Genesis 19

Originally recorded November 2, 2014, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.