062 Abraham: The Visitors


Three visitors showed up at Abraham’s tent one day, and one of them….was God. The others are later identified as angels, but the Scripture makes clear, the One talking to Abraham was Yahweh Himself.  

And He had an incredible message for Abraham and Sarah. In one year’s time, Sarah would have a son. 

Is it any wonder that Sarah, eavesdropping from inside the tent laughed to herself? She was 90 years old! And Abraham was 100! 

Yet God responded to her doubt with a question. A question all of us should ask when we’re faced with impossible situations. 

“Is anything too hard for the LORD?” (Gen. 18:13)

  • Is anything too hard for the LORD?

  • Is anything too hard for the LORD?

  • Is anything too hard for the LORD?

  • Is anything too hard for the LORD?

We read of Sarah’s doubt-filled laughter and shake our heads at her inability to be open to the miraculous.  Yet my guess is that an awful lot of us can identify with her, doubting any real possibility of a miracle.  Not because we don’t want there to be a supernatural change in various situations, but because it just seems like a real long-shot. 

Friends, if we hope to see the Kingdom breaking into our lives and world more and more, then we must make room for the miraculous.
Where is it that God would have you change your thinking regarding His supernatural intervention?  And what would He want you to do about that?  Here are three suggestions:

1.     Stop doubting.

2.     Start asking.

3.     Keep believing.



Text: Genesis 18

Originally recorded October 19, 2014, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.