042 Faith and Doubt: Faith AND Doubt


We all live in the tension of what we hope for and what we wonder about. Like the father in Mark 9, we too cry out, “I believe. Help me with my unbelief.” 

As we walk this line between faith and doubt, let me offer a series of observations.

Observation #1: Doubt is an inescapable part of the human condition.

We’d like to think that we could get beyond doubt, but the fact is, there is no such thing as doubt-free living.  Part of what it means to be a finite creature with limited understanding is that there is no escape from doubt.

That’s why the verse from the N.T. book of Jude is so comforting: Be merciful to those who doubt. (Jude 1:22)

Observation #2: Faith is only possible when there is room for doubt

The very nature of faith requires the presence of doubt, for once uncertainty is removed, there is no need for faith. 

We all live with varying degrees of certainty.  It ebbs and flows throughout life.  Faith is not the absence of doubt.  It’s daring to believe anyway because of the evidence of the established character of the one believed in.

Observation #3: Grappling with doubt can lead to stronger faith and a more vibrant witness.

An unchallenged, simplistic, sentimental faith might sound nice…but it is not going to help you through the complexities and injustices of life. 

Those who have grappled with doubt will not only have a more robust faith, but they will have far greater insight into and compassion for those still wrestling. If you let your doubts drive you to know God more, you may become the very sort of Christian the world is looking for.


Text: Mark 9:20-24; Jude 1:22

Originally recorded August 8, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.