031 Joseph: When the Prince is Your Brother
When you have the right kind of big brother, it can change anything. Have a bully on your block? Big brother can take care of him. Lose your lunch money? Big brother can float you a loan. Fall down on the ice? Big brother can help you up. Big brothers at their best can be a blessing of the highest order.
Could you use one in your life right about now? Of course! We all could.
For Joseph’s brothers, having their brother be the Prince of Egypt was an incredible blessing! He offered three “brotherly” actions. He wept for them. He called for them. And he cared for them.
And because he did, they finally began to understand that they were safe. Why? The Prince was in fact their brother. And in the shadow of the Prince, they were in the safest place in the world.
In many ways, Joseph is a picture of Jesus. Beloved by their fathers. Betrayed and sold for silver. Falsely accused, given up for dead, but gloriously raised to positions of glory.
We are familiar with calling Jesus Lord and King, but He is also called our Brother. And as our brother, He stands before you and weeps for you. He aches for those who don’t know Him. He calls for you. He invites you to come to Him. And He cares for you. He has provided all you need to get to heaven.
Jesus stands before you and invites you to come to Him and allow Him to be your big brother. Doing so is as easy as ABC.
ADMIT that you are a sinner and don’t deserve God’s mercy.
BELIEVE that Jesus is the unique Son of God and Savior of the world. BELIEVE that He died on the cross for your sins. BELIEVE that He rose from the dead.
COMMIT to follow after the One who alone has the right to demand your allegiance. COMMIT to further His Kingdom and look for ways to increase its influence. Belief is not really belief if you’re not ready to commit to follow.
The Prince stands with arms outstretched to you. Will you embrace Him?
Text: Genesis 45
Originally recorded May 13, 2012, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.