015 Encounters with Jesus: The Woman Who Crashed the Party


Two people encountered Jesus at the same dinner party. One was a woman with a “bad reputation.” The local prostitute. The other was Simon. A Pharisee.  

She washed Jesus’ feet with her tears, kissing his feet, and pouring precious perfume on them. Simon snubbed Jesus, denying him the customary courtesies of a host to his guest.

Their responses to Jesus couldn’t have been more different. Why? 

Jesus gave the answer, “The one who has been forgiven much, loves much.”

Does that mean Simon was so “holy” he didn’t have much to be forgiven for? Or was it that he had no idea that he was every bit as guilty as the woman he despised?

What does your response to Jesus say about your heart? Is your worship “Simon-ized?” Or have you, like the woman, never gotten over amazing grace?


Text: Luke 7:36-50

Originally recorded July 29, 2018, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.