The Wonderful One Behind the Curtain

Red velvet curtain pulled back to reveal mysterious clouds and light.

At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it.  And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne. 

Revelation 4:2-3

Frank Baum’s classic book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was the basis for the Oscar-winning film of 1939, “The Wizard of Oz.” My guess is that, just like me, you have viewed it many times.

You might remember how late in the movie, Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion return to the Emerald City with the broomstick that had empowered the Wicked Witch of the West.

The Wizard had promised that, in return for the broomstick, he would give the four their deepest desires: a ride home for Dorothy, a brain for the Scarecrow, a heart for the Tin Man, and courage for the Cowardly Lion. But the Wizard, never expecting that they would survive their encounter with the Wicked Witch, stalls and tells them to come back the next day.

While thy plead with the Wizard, Dorothy’s dog, Toto, pulls back the curtain, behind which the Wizard spoke to reveal that he wasn’t a Wizard at all – just a fearful, fidgety man from Nebraska.

It’s said that Frank Baum was making a point here. Baum, though he had grown up in the Methodist Church, became increasingly disillusioned that God was real and that He sat on the throne of heaven.

Baum wanted to send the message that only we have the power to solve our problems. And if we look within ourselves, we will discover that power. (Sorry to burst your bubble about the wholesomeness of the movie.)

Behind the Heavenly Curtain

In contrast, the Apostle John pulls back the veil to reveal the Wonderful One behind the “curtain” in the 4th chapter of his Revelation. There we see the Lord Almighty seated on the throne with a rainbow (interestingly, emerald) encircling that throne.

Friends, we can take confidence in the fact that behind the curtain of our circumstances, hidden from human eyes, there is one who is seated on the throne.  Not pacing.  Not wringing his hands. Not biting his nails. Seated… in complete command, in total control.

Behind the curtain of our circumstances, hidden from human eyes, there is One who is seated on the throne. Not pacing. Not wringing his hands. Not biting his nails. Seated… in complete command, in total control.

Moreover, not only is He there and in control, He is able to do for us what we could never do for ourselves – in particular, to deal with our sin problem. He is able to wash us clean, make us holy, give us a new identity, and provide an eternal destiny…with Him.

So, go ahead and enjoy the movie. It’s still delightful in so many ways.

Just remember that it is a fantasy with the character behind the curtain a phony. In contrast, the wonderful One behind the curtain of our lives is a beautiful reality.


Lord, I’m so grateful for this reminder that there is in fact a throne and it is in fact occupied. Even as I long for the day when I will see it personally, I rest in the confidence that I can have here and now.


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