The Master Troubleshooter

Old machine part with an X on the corner.


But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.  And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin…”

John 16:7-8


Back in the early days of the 20th century, there lived a man by the name of Charlie Steinmetz.  Steinmetz was an electrical engineer and an absolute genius.  

He fostered the development of alternating current that made possible the expansion of the electric power industry in the United States, formulating mathematical theories and making ground-breaking discoveries that enabled engineers to design better electro-magnets for electric motors.

This made Steinmetz one of the real wizards for a young company known as General Electric. Even after he retired, he was greatly valued as a consultant.

The time came when another genius of that day, Henry Ford, had a problem in one of his Dearborn automotive plants.  Because of it, his entire assembly line had to be shut down. 

Unable to produce his cars, Ford was losing thousands of dollars a day.  So he called Charlie Steinmetz. 

Charlie came and took what seemed to be a leisurely stroll through the plant.  Finally, he stopped at one machine, ran a few tests, pulled out a piece of chalk and put an “X” on a part.  Then he left.

Later on, Ford’s engineers examined that part, discovered that it was in fact faulty, and replaced it.  Soon the assembly line was up and running again.  

A few days later (remember this was in the early part of the 20th century) a bill came for $10,000.  Although Henry Ford was a very wealthy man, that was a lot of money.  So he returned the bill with a note:  “Charlie, isn’t this bill just a little high for a few hours of tinkering?”

Steinmetz promptly returned the bill to Ford.  This time it was itemized.  It read:

Charlie Steinmetz invoice for tinkering around on a motor.

Henry Ford paid the bill.


The Helper’s X

You see, anybody can walk around making “X”s on stuff.  Only a master troubleshooter has the discernment to identify precisely where the breakdown has occurred.  Only He knows what needs to be fixed.

Jesus promised that, upon His return to heaven, He would send a “Helper” – the Holy Spirit – who would comfort us and guide us.

But the Lord said that this Helper would also convict us – something which is no less needed. His words of admonishment, His whisper of warning and, at times, His insistent promptings are so very necessary.

Jesus promised that He would send a “Helper” – the Holy Spirit – who would comfort us and guide us. But He would also convict us.

Even those who have come to know new life in Christ must walk through a minefield of temptation.  While our souls have been redeemed, our flesh is still susceptible to sin.

Which is why, when we misstep, we need Someone to point out where we’re out of line and how to get back on the straight and narrow.  

So here’s a question for you: 

“Is the Helper putting an X on some area in your life? 

What actions or attitudes…motives or mindsets – would He point out as faulty and in need of replacement? 

Perhaps you have a sense of where that is due to a current breakdown.  Already there are problems arising.

Or maybe things are humming along smoothly, yet there is a hidden issue that is going to eventually be costly.

In either event, there is One who has brilliant insight into where our lives are not working as designed.

The corrections and repairs may be costly…and sometimes painful.  But they are always for our good.  And, in the end, they will result in what you’ve been looking for.

Henry Ford certainly found that out.  For him, the Master Trouble-Shooter was a God-send. 

He’s an even greater God-send for us.



Lord, I have to admit that I am quite vulnerable to something “fouling up the works” of my life.  Thank you for the Holy Spirit’s conviction.  May I be ongoingly sensitive to the times He points out a problem.  And may I be quick to act on His advice.





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