God's Tests

A bird’s feet standing on a rock.


 “You know that the testing of your faith produces endurance; and let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing.”    

James 1:3-4


Have you, in your educational experience, ever had a really, really hard test?  Something that was almost unfair in its difficulty?   

I read some time back of a college student who faced that in a big way.  He was taking a class in ornithology – the study of birds. And the final was coming up which he knew was going to be a bear because the professor had a reputation for giving extremely difficult tests. 

So, the kid really “books it” to prepare.  He studies for days and even pulls an “all-nighter” the evening before.  To his way of thinking, he can’t be any readier. 

But as he comes in to take the final, it’s very odd.  There are no test sheets, no essay books, no multiple-choice questions.  Just the front wall covered with 25 pictures of birds’ feet.  Not their bodies – just their feet.     

And the prof says, “Here’s the deal.  You must identify all 25 species of birds by their feet.”  The room goes dead quiet as the students sit there…stunned.     

Finally, this kid stands up: “C’mon,” he says, “this is ridiculous.  Nobody studied birds’ feet.  We can’t do this.” 

And the professor says, “Well, whether you like it or not, this is the test and you have to take it.

The student says, “Well, I’m not going to do it.” He gets up to walk out.   

The prof says, “You can’t leave.  If you do, I’ll flunk you.” 

The kid is hot now.  “Just watch me,” he says, gathering his things.

“All right,” says the prof. “Consider yourself flunked.  What’s your name?”

And the student rolls up his pants, slips off his loafers, points to his feet and says, “You tell me!”        

We laugh, but all too many times, life’s tests are no laughing matter.


Abraham’s test

Consider the case recorded in Gen. 22 where it says in verse 1, “The Lord tested Abraham.” 

The next 12 verses record in detail how Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son on Mt. Moriah.  If you know the story, you’re aware that God never intended to have the boy die.  This challenging imperative was for Abraham’s benefit. 

Nonetheless, it was a huge test of Abraham’s faith. And it resulted in a big step forward in Abraham’s maturity.

God’s Purpose for Tests

It’s interesting that this word “test” that is used here is used in the Bible only in reference to the people of God, never unbelievers.  And the question that begs to be asked is, “Why?”  Why would a loving Father test His cherished children? 

I’m convinced that the answer to that question is within that question.  It’s because our Father is loving and does cherish us that He tests us. 

Why would a loving Father test His cherished children?  I’m convinced that the answer to that question is within that question.  It’s because our Father is loving and does cherish us that He tests us. 


The Apostle James captures this idea in his N.T. epistle.

“You know that the testing of your faith produces endurance; and let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing.”    

James 1:3-4       

James makes a clear point – one that Abraham came to realize. God’s purpose in giving us tests is to develop us, not to destroy us.


God’s purpose in giving us tests is to develop us, not to destroy us.

A loving Father knows that all too often the only way to strengthen our faith is to challenge our faith.  And the way He does so is through tests.

These show up in various ways at various times.  But with each of them comes the whisper of God’s Spirit, “Will you trust Me…even when it’s hard?”

Tests show up in various ways at various times.  But with each of them comes the whisper of God’s Spirit, “Will you trust Me…even when it’s hard?”


As we do and as we find that He’s more than enough, our view of Him is made clearer and our faith in Him is made stronger.

So when tests come your way in the days ahead, and believe me, they will…follow Abraham’s lead and walk to Mt. Moriah.  You might find a surprise there – just as he did.




Lord, all too often I want my life to be easy.  I don’t want to be challenged, much less tested.  Yet I realize that that would not develop the spiritual muscles I will need for the journey ahead.  So help me to see these tests as different sorts of gifts.  And help me to pass them with full confidence in Your love. 


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