Fixer Uppers

Fixer upper house with donkey.

“…each one should build with care. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person's work.” 

I Corinthians 3:10-13

My wife loves to watch a television show called “Fixer Upper.”  It features a couple from Waco, Texas, Chip and Joanna Gaines, who design and renovate houses.  The goal is to build a solid structure on a firm foundation.  And great is the joy when that is accomplished.

One of the reasons why the show is so popular is that Chip and Joanna are so good at what they do.  And most who watch are in awe at what they turn out.  “Wow! I wish I could do that!”


Under Construction

Have you ever considered the fact that you are a fixer-upper?  We are all under construction and you’re the chief designer. You'll choose the materials that will be used to build your life.  And that house will be on display for all time.

We are all under construction and you’re the chief designer. You'll choose the materials that will be used to build your life.  And that house will be on display for all time.

The Apostle Paul speaks of this in his first letter to the Corinthians.  Everybody is constructing a life, the house we live in, the house that matters.  

And we build it, every one of us, one day at a time, one choice at a time.  We build it, every one of us, on purpose or by accident for better or for worse.  We build it, every one of us, every day, by how we spend our time, by the words we speak and by the people we love.


Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones

Paul lists six different building materials in this passage, but they can really be divided essentially into two groups. The first consists of gold, silver, or precious stones. Those are materials that will stand up to the fire.

In the Bible, fire is often an image used to describe God's judgment, God's penetrating and discerning ability to decide what is good and what is not. Gold, silver, and precious stones are materials that have Kingdom qualities that carry eternal value and will stand up to his judgment.

Such items would include your investment of those valuable things you have control over.  For example, there’s your use of time.  Scripture tells us to “make the most of your time.”  Every week you have 168 hours.  How many of them are used for the Kingdom?

Then there’s your talent.  Each one of us has all sorts of God-given abilities.  How are you doing in leveraging those abilities for the Kingdom?

Then there’s your treasure. It’s rightly been said that “you can’t take it with you, but you can send it ahead.”  How much of your treasure are you investing in the Kingdom?


Wood, Hay and Straw

The second group consists of wood, hay, or straw.  These symbolize those that which will burn up, those eternally insignificant qualities that won’t stand up to his judgment.

Such non-Kingdom use of our time, talent, and treasure isn’t necessarily “bad.”  Indeed, using them for our own benefit is required in order to live on earth.

The danger arises when all we think about and invest in is our time on earth.  And we forget that there’s a heaven to come.

Paul uses this analogy to provoke his readers’ thinking.  “Have you laid a firm foundation by placing your faith in Christ?  And, if you have, how are you building on that?  Are you using materials that will be a lasting memorial or a tragic pile of ashes?”

How are you building on the foundation of Christ? Are you using materials that will be a lasting memorial or a tragic pile of ashes?

So, what are you constructing?  What is the house that is you displaying?  And what will be left standing after the fire?

If you’re not pleased with what you’re seeing, be encouraged.  You still have time to switch your construction materials.  You can start even today to build with that which will stand the test of time.



Lord, I’ve known what it is to live my life, but I’ve never thought about what it means to build my life.  All too often I’ve had spiritual nearsightedness whereby I fail to see the big picture.  Help me to recognize what’s really important and to act on it.


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