Posts tagged God's Word
Positioning Yourself to Hear From God

In the course of my ministry life, I have met many people who claim never to have received a prompting or sense a whisper from God. Not even once. Yet, when I probe a bit deeper, I discover that the reason why is that they have not positioned themselves to be able to hear from God.

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How Do I Know It's Really God?

In my two previous posts, I tried to make the point that our relationship with the Lord is more than theoretical – it’s real. And any loving relationship has at its heart communication.

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The God Who Speaks

If there is such a thing as a biblical understatement, “God spoke to our ancestors…at many times and in various ways” (Hebrews 1:1) qualifies. Consider the following Old Testament examples.

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Hearing God

I’m sometimes asked by those I coach, “What’s the best advice you could give me about being a good leader?” My answer often surprises them. “It’s being a good follower.”

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