196 Give, Save, Live: Give

Our culture is driven by the desire to acquire. We see something, then find ourselves wanting it, and before we know it, we convince ourselves that we need it. And to buy this stuff, we need MONEY.

Fueled by our acquisitive culture, few, if any, escape the Money Monster’s grasp.

But I want to share a simple yet practical formula for handling your money that has its foundations in God’s Word. A plan that can help you to be freed from the Money Monster and the regrets that come from caving in to him.

Here it is: Give. Save. Live on the rest.

The formula begins with GIVE.  The only way to keep your balance in this culture of consumerism is to give first. 

The Bible speaks clearly about this: “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops.” (Proverbs 3:9)

Way back in the O.T. God’s people were challenged to give Him the first and the best of their resources before making any other investments or doing any other spending. This idea of giving first was noted in the Law and a percentage was noted: a tithe – 10%. This was God’s strategy for financing His Kingdom.

The tithe was non-negotiable. The Bible never talks about “giving” a tithe. It refers to the tithe being “brought” or “presented” or even “paid” – but not “given.”

It was the free will offerings on top of the tithe which were “given.”  As people were especially moved with gratitude or saw a particularly great need they would give offerings.         

Jesus also spoke of the giving first because He recognized that it not only honors God, but it also puts our stuff into perspective.

When we give first, not only can God do something for us, He can do something in us.

God’s approach to money is counter-intuitive to the world’s. That way is to LIVE first, then SAVE if you can, and if there’s any leftover, GIVE. But the Bible calls us to GIVE first, then SAVE, and then LIVE on the rest. Not simply for God’s glory – but for our good.


Text: 1 Tim. 6:6-7, 9-10; Prov. 3:9; Mal.3:6-9 

Originally recorded on January 3, 2012, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN